en  de  it


The provisions referred to in the Large Tender “POR FESR 2014 – 2020 – FSC DEVELOPMENT AND COHESION PLAN EX ART. 44 Legislative Decree 34/2019 “Smart factory nel settore della pressofusione” – Public notice – LARGE 2021 – CUP G54E21004980008 – “ have made it possible to make investments in plant and machinery characterized as “Enterprise 4.0” in compliance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory standards and to start a restructuring of the production organization in terms of “lean production” aimed at rationalizing and making the company system with reflections of improvement in the management of product quality, containment of energy expenditure and environmental impact thanks to the introduction of technologically advanced machinery and systems capable of ensuring high standards of prevention also in terms of safety for the health of workers.

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